A small favour - Help with seeding the OERu tech support forum for learners

Hi everyone

The OERF has contracted some help to develop an OERu learner support site. (draft outline here - still very much work in progress.)

The OERu support site will include a screencast of how to post a support question.

I’m trying to populate the Technology sub-category with a few seed posts on forums.oeru.org so that there is content for generating the screen cast and am reaching out to a few trusted OERu enthusiasts… Student support is a dimension of quality ;-).

Would you mind posting:

  • Posting a general technology related question from the perspective of an OERu learner? or
  • Responding to one of the responses already on the site?

I’d appreciate if you could upload a bio picture on the site so it looks more welcoming.

I’ll send an invite for creating an account on the forums.oeru.org (we use a separate instance of Discourse for the learner forums.)

Much appreciated!