Hi everybody,
It is the time of year where i need to go in and add new content to the CMS regarding our 4 new courses to be offered in 2016. I have not had to use the CMS for about 12 months and hence have completely forgot what the URL is, let alone what to do once I get there. Could you please let me know how to get in, and if possible could those instructions be added to this page http://wikieducator.org/OERu/Planning/Register_of_OERu_CMS_administrators.
I searched for info on how to do this but came up with this page - it listed who - but not how/what.
Thanks in anticipation,
Hi Sarah,
What a wonderful surprise! Four new courses from the University of Wollongong we were not aware of. An early Xmas gift
For some reason these courses are not listed on the consolidated course submission list - perhaps you missed listing these on the wiki during the Institutional Action Plan submission process?
Please contact us off the list for login credentials to the CMS.
Wow - OERu is making good progress.
Lol i keep forgetting to correct the nominations page issue, we did nominate but the courses missed being moved to the right place when we consolidated the lists.