Good morning everyone,
Over the last six months the OERu Course Quality Working Group has been progressing two main outcomes, and now we’d like to call for much broader help in small activities. If you would like to help, this means you can commit to small, compartmentalised activities that won’t take a lot of time, but will help the team greatly.
The aim of the Working Group is to construct (i) a Quality Review Tool that will help to not only review existing OERu courses, but also guide the creation of new courses in conjunction with the Style Guide, and (ii) locate examples of good practice within existing courses that demonstrate how criteria in the Quality Review Tool can be met. The latter is particularly exciting as we have the opportunity to celebrate good practice, and actively learn from each other.
At this stage, the team will be applying a first-phase review to PM101. If you would like to support this process, please do post below. I wouldn’t imagine the process would take longer than three to four hours, and would involve applying the current tool to the course, and annotating the review tool for iterative development. Of course, you’d be most welcome to attend any of the Working Group meetings too!
Our aim is to have a completed document ready for the 2018 International Partners Meeting.
I do hope to hear back from some of our members soon.
Kind regards,
Just a reminder that our working meeting is tomorrow morning 9.00am (AEST), and we do need to have completed a review of PM101 by that stage to discuss.
I look forward to seeing you there,
@Mackiwg @Maureen_G @carina_bossu @Dan
Hi Adrian,
Look forward to connecting tomorrow. I’ve been tweaking the IPM101 course site in preparation for launch. There are still bits that need attention - eg publishing of the final summative assessment and improvements to student interactions and activities. (The course was assembled prior to the adoption of Mastodon and
A big chunk of my time has been spent on preparing the landing page for Intro to Project Management and backend Mautic integration for automating email communications for learners. (Note that the Sign up buttons and corresponding Mautic campaigns are not live yet.) I think it would be valuable to provide a summary and demonstration of how this works which will provide context for a pre-launch review.
Chat tomorrow!
That sounds like a valuable use of the time tomorrow, Wayne. I’m keen to hear more, especially about the potential for Mautic.
I’ve conducted part of the review to date, but have also spent a lot of time annotating the review document too. I’m sure there will be plenty to discuss, but I am hoping for some time to cover the reflections of the team about the document.
Hi @AdrianStagg
Perfect timing on your review of IPM101 This will be invaluable input into refining the documents but more importantly helping to improve the course before launch date
. Thanks for your gift of time and knowledge.
Look forward to our discussions.