Posted minutes of the 5th meeting of the OERu Management Committee

Minutes of the 5th meeting of the OERu Management Committee have been posted in the wiki.

There is also a recording of meeting available. Refer to the time stamp in the relevant minute to advance to the relevant point in the recording.

Feel free to post any feedback using the discussion tab in the wiki or reply to this post on the site.

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Thank you for sharing this!

Hi Wayne,

I find some of the courses listed here useful for teachers, though they are listed as Bachelor level courses. These can be offered as professional development courses in the developing countries.

I would like to join the CMS administrators group and explore the CMS functionality.


Hi Indira,

As open courses anyone with an interest will be able to participate. OERu courses will not be restricted to students participating only for degree study. All course materials will be accessible without the requirement for password access.

We use the SilverStripe opensource CMS for hosting the OERu website. You can explore the functionality of this CMS from the site.